What is Halal?

“Halal” in Arabic means permissible or lawful. When it is applied to food or other goods it denotes specific regulations as to which types of food/drink Muslims can consume as well as how those products are prepared. Halal also involves a ritual process of animal slaughter and specific health standards as well as an absence of pork and blood byproducts. Halal meat includes beef, chicken, lamb, goat, and fish, among others.
The process in procuring Halal products, especially when it comes to the slaughter of animals or poultry, involves a swift incision through the two jugular veins, trachea, esophagus and the two carotid arteries. Once completed, the blood is drained from the animal. This process ensures that the animal is slaughtered in a humane and hygienic way with the least amount of pain or ‘unnecessary stress’. Pigs as well as carnivores and omnivores are not Halal. It is always prefered that the slaughterman must be a Muslim. However, it is also permissible for the slaughterman to be part of monotheistic religions (people of the book -- Christianity, and Judaism.)
Before each animal is slaughtered with a sharp knife the slaughter man recites "Bismillah, Allahu Akbar" which means "In the name of God, God is Great". Once it is confirmed that the animal is well bled in body and soul -- only then can it undergo further processing. IS EG’s mission is to work diligently with companies across the globe through the certification process of fresh Halal products, assuring each step obeys all religious regulations providing peace of mind to Muslim communities worldwide.